
December 9, 2022

Leaving the Company I Cofounded

The last few months have been some of the craziest months of my life: To start, my son Noah has been going through some yet-undefined health crisis that has required lots of two hour one-way trips...


December 8, 2022

Rules for preaching: Don't Come Up With A Message

In this series of posts, I'm writing out my personal rules for preaching. These are the things I would want to teach a young preacher in training coming up under my ministry. In the first rule, I...


November 22, 2022

Rules for preaching: It's not about you

I plan on writing a series of posts on my ten rules for preaching. These are just my rules. They are some things I've learned about preaching that I try to apply to my own ministry. If I were to...


October 29, 2022

What I've Been Up To

A month ago, I spent a few days in a children's hospital with my son. I had a lot of time to think, and these or some of the things I thought: Its been three years since I worked on a project...
